Source code for meqsilhouette.utils.regularize_ms

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Iniyan Natarajan: Some parts adapted from casacore.tables.msutil.msregularize.
# Improves on casacore by accounting for antennas missing in the MAIN table but present in the ANTENNA table

import numpy as np
import pyrap.tables as pt
from meqsilhouette.utils.comm_functions import info

[docs]def regularize_ms(msname): """ Regularize an MS Parameters ---------- msname : str Name of the MS to be regularized Returns ------- outmsname : str Name of the regularized MS Notes ----- The output MS will have the same number of baselines (rows) for each time stamp. All new rows are fully flagged. First, missing rows are written into a separate MS <msname>_missing.MS, which is concatenated with the original MS and sorted in order of TIME, DATADESC_ID, ANTENNA1, ANTENNA2 to form a new regular MS. This MS is a 'deep' copy copy of the original MS. If no rows are missing, no new MS is created and outmsname = msname. """ msprefix = msname.rsplit('.',1)[0] # Get all baselines tab = pt.table(msname) # Make list of missing antennas ant1=tab.getcol('ANTENNA1') ant2=tab.getcol('ANTENNA2') ants_present = np.unique(np.hstack((ant1,ant2))) anttab=pt.table(msname+'::ANTENNA') ants_anttab = np.arange(anttab.nrows()) anttab.close() ants_missing = [x for x in ants_anttab if x not in ants_present] ants_missing = np.array(ants_missing) combos = [] for ii in ants_missing: for jj in ants_present: if ii > jj: combos.append((jj,ii)) else: combos.append((ii,jj)) for ii in np.arange(0, ants_missing.shape[0]): for jj in np.arange(ii+1, ants_missing.shape[0]): combos.append((ants_missing[ii], ants_missing[jj])) combos.sort() info('Missing baselines: %s'%combos) # Ensure the unique antenna permutations in $t1 also contain antennas in ANTENNA that are missing from MAIN t1=tab.sort('unique ANTENNA1,ANTENNA2') t1.copy('',deep=True) t1.close() # Assign values to be used in TaQL data = tab.getcol('DATA') nrows = data.shape[0] nchan = data.shape[1] ncorr = data.shape[2] t1=pt.table('') for bl in combos: pt.taql('insert into $t1 (ANTENNA1,ANTENNA2,DATA,FLAG) VALUES ($bl[0], $bl[1], array([0+0i], [$nchan, $ncorr]), array([True], [$nchan, $ncorr]))') if 'MODEL_DATA' in tab.colnames(): pt.taql('update $t1 set MODEL_DATA=array([0+0i], [$nchan, $ncorr])') if 'CORRECTED_DATA' in tab.colnames(): pt.taql('update $t1 set CORRECTED_DATA=array([0+0i], [$nchan, $ncorr])') if 'WEIGHT' in tab.colnames(): pt.taql('update $t1 set WEIGHT=array([1], [$ncorr])') if 'SIGMA' in tab.colnames(): pt.taql('update $t1 set SIGMA=array([1], [$ncorr])') if 'WEIGHT_SPECTRUM' in tab.colnames(): pt.taql('update $t1 set WEIGHT_SPECTRUM=array([1], [$nchan, $ncorr])') if 'SIGMA_SPECTRUM' in tab.colnames(): pt.taql('update $t1 set SIGMA_SPECTRUM=array([1], [$nchan, $ncorr])') t1.sort('unique ANTENNA1,ANTENNA2').rename('') t1.close() t1 = pt.table('') nadded = 0 # Iterate in time and band over the MS for tsub in tab.iter(['TIME','DATA_DESC_ID']): nmissing = t1.nrows() - tsub.nrows() if nmissing < 0: raise ValueError("A time/band chunk has too many rows") elif nmissing > 0: ant1 = list(tsub.getcol('ANTENNA1')) ant2 = list(tsub.getcol('ANTENNA2')) # select baseline permutations that are missing from the current 'tsub' t2 = pt.taql('select from $t1 where !any(ANTENNA1 == $ant1 && ANTENNA2 == $ant2)') if t2.nrows() != nmissing: raise ValueError("A time/band chunk behaves strangely") # for the first iteration, create a new table and open for writing if nadded == 0: tnew = t2.copy(msprefix+"_missing.MS", deep=True) tnew = pt.table(msprefix+"_missing.MS", readonly=False) else: t2.copyrows(tnew) # set the correct time and band in the new rows. tnew.putcell('TIME', np.arange(nadded, nadded+nmissing), tsub.getcell('TIME',0)) tnew.putcell('DATA_DESC_ID', np.arange(nadded, nadded+nmissing), tsub.getcell('DATA_DESC_ID',0)) nadded += nmissing # update nadded # close tables t1.close() # combine the new table with the existing one if nadded > 0: # initialize DATA with zeros and flag the added rows pt.taql('update $tnew set DATA=0+0i') pt.taql('update $tnew set FLAG=True') pt.taql('update $tnew set FLAG_ROW=True') tcombs = pt.table([tab, tnew]).sort('TIME,DATA_DESC_ID,ANTENNA1,ANTENNA2') tcombs.copy(msprefix+"_regularized.MS", deep=True) # close and/or delete temporary tables tnew.close() pt.tabledelete(msprefix+"_missing.MS") # tnew t2.close() tcombs.close() # close and delete tables before exiting t1.close() pt.tabledelete('') pt.tabledelete('') tab.close() if nadded > 0: outmsname = msprefix+"_regularized.MS" info('%s contains the regularized MS.'%outmsname) else: info("%s is already regularized. No changes made."%msname) outmsname = msname return outmsname