Source code for meqsilhouette.driver.readms_runmeqs

# coding: utf-8
import time
PYXIS_ROOT_NAMESPACE=True # INI: For Python3 compatibility
import Pyxis
from Pyxis.ModSupport import *
#import ms # INI: 29-oct-2018: not used anywhere!
import im.argo as argo
import glob
import re
import os
import sys
import argparse
import pyrap.tables as pt
import meqsilhouette.framework
from meqsilhouette.framework.process_input_config import setup_keyword_dictionary, load_json_parameters_into_dictionary
from meqsilhouette.framework.SimCoordinator import SimCoordinator
from meqsilhouette.framework.meqtrees_funcs import make_dirty_image_lwimager
from meqsilhouette.utils.comm_functions import *
from meqsilhouette.utils.regularize_ms import regularize_ms

[docs]def create_parser(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument("json", help="Name of input JSON parset file") p.add_argument("ms", help="Input MS name") return p
[docs]def readms_runmeqs(jsonfile, msname): """ Standard script to perform radio interferometric synthetic data generation. Variables prefixed by "v" indicate new global variables. Parameters ---------- jsonfile : str Name of the input JSON parset file. msname : str Input Measurement Set (MS) name. Raises ------ Exception If no input JSON parset file is provided or if the input MS does not exist, an exception is raised and the function aborts. """ start = time.time() ### load input configuration file parameters ### config_abspath = os.path.abspath(jsonfile) parameters = load_json_parameters_into_dictionary(config_abspath) ### set directory paths ### v.FRAMEWORKDIR = os.path.dirname(meqsilhouette.framework.__file__) v.OUTDIR = parameters['outdirname'] v.PLOTDIR = os.path.join(v.OUTDIR,'plots') input_copy_path = v.OUTDIR+'/inputs' # directory in which to copy all the input files input_fitsimage = os.path.join(input_copy_path, parameters['input_fitsimage'].split('/')[-1]) # use this path for input_fitsimage since this directory must be writable # Check if input sky model exists if not os.path.exists(parameters['input_fitsimage']+'.txt') and not os.path.exists(parameters['input_fitsimage']+'.lsm.html') and not os.path.isdir(parameters['input_fitsimage']): abort("NO INPUT LSM FOUND. Verify if 'input_fitsimage' in input .json configuration file \n"+"is the prefix of a sky model ending with '.txt'/'.html', or a dir containing fits image(s).\n") # Create output directory if it does not exist if not os.path.exists(v.OUTDIR): os.makedirs(v.PLOTDIR) os.makedirs(input_copy_path) else: info('%s exists; overwriting contents.'%(v.OUTDIR)) ### INI: Copy all input files to the output directory; ignore the ones that are not necessary when using an existing MS os.system('cp -r %s %s'%(config_abspath, input_copy_path)) # copy input JSON parset file if os.path.isdir(parameters['input_fitsimage']): os.system('cp -r %s %s'%(parameters['input_fitsimage'], input_copy_path)) else: if os.path.exists(parameters['input_fitsimage']+'.txt'): os.system('cp -r %s %s'%(parameters['input_fitsimage']+'.txt', input_copy_path)) elif os.path.exists(parameters['input_fitsimage']+'.lsm.html'): os.system('cp -r %s %s'%(parameters['input_fitsimage']+'.lsm.html', input_copy_path)) os.system('cp -r %s %s'%(parameters['station_info'], input_copy_path)) os.system('cp -r %s %s'%(parameters['bandpass_table'], input_copy_path)) os.system('cp -r %s %s'%(msname, input_copy_path)) ### INI: Regularize MS and move the output to v.OUTDIR inms_abspath = os.path.join(input_copy_path, os.path.basename(msname)) outms_abspath = regularize_ms(inms_abspath) os.system('mv %s %s'%(outms_abspath, v.OUTDIR)) v.MS = os.path.join(v.OUTDIR, os.path.basename(outms_abspath)) # name of output Measurement Set ### INI: Assign values to variables from loaded input JSON file input_fitspol = parameters['input_fitspol'] input_changroups = parameters['input_changroups'] ms_dict = setup_keyword_dictionary('ms_', parameters) im_dict = setup_keyword_dictionary('im_', parameters) trop_dict = setup_keyword_dictionary('trop_', parameters) # check if data column is present tab = pt.table(v.MS) if ms_dict['datacolumn'] not in tab.colnames(): tab.close() abort('Requested data column %s not present in %s'%(ms_dict['datacolumn'], v.MS)) tab.close() # Replace appropriate values from the regularized MS in the dicts ms_dict['antenna_table'] = os.path.join(v.MS, 'ANTENNA') info('Loaded input configuration file: \n%s'%config_abspath) info('Input sky model: %s'%input_fitsimage) # Output to MeqSilhouette logfile if (parameters['output_to_logfile']): v.LOG = OUTDIR + "/meqsilhouette-logfile.txt" else: info('All output will be printed to terminal.') info('Print to log file by setting <output_to_logfile> parameter in input configuration file.') ### Load station info table info('Loading station info table %s'%parameters['station_info']) sefd, pwv, gpress, gtemp, coherence_time, pointing_rms, PB_FWHM230, aperture_eff, gR_mean, gR_std,\ gL_mean, gL_std, dR_mean, dR_std, dL_mean, dL_std, feed_angle = \ np.swapaxes(np.loadtxt(parameters['station_info'],\ skiprows=1, usecols=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18], dtype=np.complex128), 0, 1) # extract real parts sefd = sefd.real pwv = pwv.real gpress = gpress.real gtemp = gtemp.real coherence_time = coherence_time.real pointing_rms = pointing_rms.real PB_FWHM230 = PB_FWHM230.real aperture_eff = aperture_eff.real feed_angle = feed_angle.real station_names_txt = np.loadtxt(parameters['station_info'],\ usecols=[0],dtype=str,skiprows=1).tolist() anttab = pt.table(ms_dict['antenna_table'],ack=False) station_names_anttab = anttab.getcol('STATION') anttab.close() if (len(station_names_txt) != len(station_names_anttab)): abort('Mis-matched number of antennas in %s and %s'\ %(parameters['station_info'],ms_dict['antenna_table'])) if (station_names_txt != station_names_anttab): warn('Mis-matched station name order in %s versus %s (see comparison):'\ %(parameters['station_info'],ms_dict['antenna_table'])) for c1,c2 in zip(station_names_txt,station_names_anttab): print("%s\t\t%s" % (c1, c2)) abort('Correct input station_info file and/or antenna table') info('Station info table %s corresponds correctly to antenna table %s'\ %(parameters['station_info'],ms_dict['antenna_table'])) if parameters['bandpass_enabled']: if not os.path.isfile(parameters['bandpass_table']): abort("File '%s' does not exist. Aborting..."%(parameters['bandpass_table'])) station_names_txt = np.loadtxt(parameters['bandpass_table'],\ usecols=[0],dtype=str,skiprows=1).tolist() if (len(station_names_txt) != len(station_names_anttab)): abort('Mis-matched number of antennas in %s and %s'\ %(parameters['bandpass_table'],ms_dict['antenna_table'])) if (station_names_txt != station_names_anttab): warn('Mis-matched station name order in %s versus %s (see comparison):'\ %(parameters['bandpass_table'],ms_dict['antenna_table'])) for c1,c2 in zip(station_names_txt,station_names_anttab): print("%s\t\t%s" % (c1, c2)) abort('Correct input station_info file and/or antenna table') bandpass_table = parameters['bandpass_table'] bandpass_freq_interp_order = parameters['bandpass_freq_interp_order'] # INI: Determine correlator efficiency based on the number of bits used for quantization (refer TMS (2017) sec 8.3) if parameters['corr_quantbits'] == 1: corr_eff = 0.636 elif parameters['corr_quantbits'] == 2: corr_eff = 0.88 else: abort('Invalid number of bits used for quantization. Value of "corr_quantbits" in input json file must be 1 or 2') # Simulate sky model into the MS info('Simulating sky model into %s column in %s'%(ms_dict['datacolumn'],MS)) sim_coord = SimCoordinator(MS,ms_dict["datacolumn"],input_fitsimage, input_fitspol, input_changroups, bandpass_table, bandpass_freq_interp_order, sefd, corr_eff, parameters['predict_oversampling'], \ parameters["predict_seed"], parameters["atm_seed"], aperture_eff,\ parameters["elevation_limit"], parameters['trop_enabled'], parameters['trop_wetonly'], pwv, gpress, gtemp, \ coherence_time, parameters['trop_fixdelay_max_picosec'], parameters['uvjones_g_on'], parameters['uvjones_d_on'], parameters['parang_corrected'],\ gR_mean, gR_std, gL_mean, gL_std, dR_mean, dR_std, dL_mean, dL_std, feed_angle, parameters['add_thermal_noise']) sim_coord.interferometric_sim() #################### START COURRPTING VISIBILITIES #################### info('Start corrupting the perfect visibilities. The corruptions (if enabled) are applied in the following order:\n'+ '1. Pointing errors\n2. Tropospheric effects\n3. Parallactic angle and polarization leakage\n4. Receiver gains\n5. Bandpass effects\n6. Additive thermal noise') if parameters['pointing_enabled']: info('Pointing errors are enabled, applying antenna-based amplitudes errors') info('Current pointing error model is a constant offset that changes on a user-specified time interval, current setting = %.1f minutes'%\ parameters['pointing_time_per_mispoint']) sim_coord.pointing_constant_offset(pointing_rms,parameters['pointing_time_per_mispoint'],PB_FWHM230) sim_coord.apply_pointing_amp_error() if parameters['pointing_makeplots']: sim_coord.plot_pointing_errors() ### TROPOSPHERE COMPONENTS ### combined_phase_errors = 0 #init for trop combo choice additive_noises = None if parameters['trop_enabled']: info('Tropospheric module is enabled, applying corruptions...') if parameters['trop_wetonly']: info('... using only the WET component') else: info('... using both WET and DRY components') if parameters['trop_attenuate']: info('TROPOSPHERE ATTENUATE: attenuating signal using PWV-derived opacity...') sim_coord.trop_opacity_attenuate() if parameters['trop_noise']: info('TROPOSPHERE NOISE: adding sky noise from non-zero PWV...') additive_noises = sim_coord.trop_add_sky_noise() if parameters['trop_mean_delay']: info('TROPOSPHERE DELAY: computing mean delay (time-variability from elevation changes)...') sim_coord.trop_calc_mean_delays() combined_phase_errors += sim_coord.phasedelay_alltimes if parameters['trop_turbulence']: info('TROPOSPHERE TURBULENCE: computing Kolmogorov turbulence phase errors...') sim_coord.trop_generate_turbulence_phase_errors() combined_phase_errors += sim_coord.turb_phase_errors if parameters['trop_fixdelays']: info('TROPOSPHERE INSERT FIXED DELAY: non-variable delay calculated') sim_coord.trop_calc_fixdelay_phase_offsets() combined_phase_errors += sim_coord.fixdelay_phase_errors info('TROPOSPHERE: applying desired combination of phase errors...') sim_coord.apply_phase_errors(combined_phase_errors) info('All selected tropospheric corruptions applied.') if parameters['trop_makeplots']: sim_coord.trop_plots() info('Generated troposphere plots') ### POPULATE MS WITH SIGMA AND WEIGHT ESTIMATORS ### # sim_coord.add_weights(additive_noises) ### PARALLACTIC ANGLE AND POLARIZATION LEAKAGE ### if parameters['uvjones_d_on']: info('Introducing parallactic angle rotation and polarization leakage effects') sim_coord.add_pol_leakage_manual() info('Polarization leakage and parallactic angle effects added successfully.') info('Generating parallactic angle plots...') sim_coord.make_pol_plots() ### RECEIVER GAINS ### if parameters['uvjones_g_on']: info('Introducing complex (direction-independent) gain effects') sim_coord.add_gjones_manual() info('Complex gains added successfully.') ### BANDPASS COMPONENTS ### if parameters['bandpass_enabled']: info('BANDPASS: incorporating bandpass (B-Jones) effects') sim_coord.add_bjones_manual() info('B-Jones terms applied.') if parameters['bandpass_makeplots']: info('Generating bandpass plots...') sim_coord.make_bandpass_plots() ### THERMAL NOISE ### if parameters['add_thermal_noise']: info('Adding thermal noise...') sim_coord.add_receiver_noise() info('Thermal noise added.') ### IMAGING, PLOTTING, DATA EXPORT ### if parameters['make_image']: info('Imaging the %s column'%ms_dict['datacolumn']) make_dirty_image_lwimager(im_dict,ms_dict) #, v.OUTDIR) if not os.path.exists(II('${OUTDIR>/}${MS:BASE}')+'-dirty_map.fits'): abort('OUTPUT IMAGE NOT FOUND') abort('Looks like imaging, or something upstream of that failed.') if parameters['ms_makeplots']: info('Generating MS-related plots...') sim_coord.make_ms_plots() if parameters['exportuvfits']: info('Exporting %s to uvfits file %s'%(MS,MS.replace('.ms','.uvfits'))) im.argo.icasa('exportuvfits', mult=[{'vis': v.MS, 'fitsfile': os.path.join(OUTDIR,v.MS.replace('.ms','.uvfits').replace('.MS','.uvfits'))}]) # Clean up info('Cleaning up...') if (os.path.exists('./core')):'rm core') finish_string = "Pipeline finished in %.1f seconds" % (time.time()-start) info(finish_string)
if __name__ == '__main__': args = create_parser().parse_args() if not os.path.exists( abort("Input MS does not exist!") if[-1] == '/': =[:-1] ret = readms_runmeqs(args.json, sys.exit(ret)